The Greenius Misplaces His Mojo… Momentarily

The entire 2nd half of 2010 found the Greenius in a Mystery Spot where the rules of nature no longer applied....

Wow, March First already.  Time do fly, don’t it?  It has definitely been been awhile, hasn’t it?  How you been?

Your beloved Greenius has been M.I.A. from this URL for all of 2011 – until now.  Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn’t.  Either way, I’m back and I’m returning with a new attitude, recharged energy and a fresh direction.  I can only imagine how thrilled you must be.

After playing a more subdued, measured and politically correct role locally for the past two years I am soooo over that.  I’m taking the gloves back off and cracking my knuckles.  Consider me now unshackled, uncensored and unafraid.  The perfect positioning for our What the Fuck? era.

I’d say “No More Mr. Nice Guy,” but hell I’m such an inherently nice guy at heart that no one would believe that… well, except maybe the gasholes who I’ll be metaphorically skewering like a razor sharp steel spike through a marinated lamb shish-kabob over burning hot coals.  Doesn’t that sound like fun?

I put up with a lot of crap last year and some of it shook me to my core. I’ll be the first to admit it, I lost my mojo as 2010 wore on and it wasn’t pretty.  Ennui and despair are a bitter and ugly cocktail to swallow, but that’s what was being served at the Green Bar for the last six months of 0h-ten and I drank enough to suffer a long hangover.

But I’m not hungover any more.  And I’ve not only got my mojo back, I’m ready to have me some laughs.  Seriously.

Greenius Salutes Greenpeace for Pittsburgh Climate Action – Demand Dramatic Action NOW

It’s time – right now – to take dramatic action on climate change if you care about preserving a livable civilization for your children and their children. At this moment we are right on track for “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” as Dr. James Hansen warmed us 15 months ago.  At that time he said we had 12 months in which to start acting.

While the paid-off ballwashers and sycophants of the fossil fuel industry sellout their country, our citizens and their own families’ future – for reasons only the people on their Bizzaro World home planet, can comprehend – the activists of Greenpeace are telling the truth and telling it in ways impossible to ignore.

They deserve your praise, your thanks and your admiration.  They are this era’s Paul Revere and they warn of the real calamity to come.  The true patriots of our country will heed that call and are already prepared to fight for a better climate.                        

Spill Baby, Spill!


Among the blatant BS that passes for talking points by pro-carbon advocates for offshore drilling like HockeyPuck Palin herself, is that drilling today employs such modern, clean, safe technology that it’s not fair to say there’s any danger of spills like the one that ruined Santa Barbara’s beaches back in the day.

But what these truth-deprived oil-hungry energy experts don’t want you to think about is accidents that modern technology doesn’t mean jack squat to.  Damaging oil spills like the “accident” that happened in San Francisco Bay last year, or the one where the Captain of the Exxon Valdez crashed his tanker into the rocks up there in Russia’s next door neighbor – Alaska (and that was even before texting!)

Just last month we had another perfect example of just how safe from oil spills we all are here in the modern super-secure era we live in.