Hot Tub Time Machine WayBack Wednesday – Reposted Word-for-Word from June 25 of 2008

cat on roof

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

There’s an old joke that most of us baby boomers first heard when we were kids. Here’s the version I remember hearing in New Jersey:

A man goes on vacation and his brother agrees to housesit for him — feeding the cat, picking up the newspapers and mail, watering the plants, etc. After the first week goes by the vacationing brother phones to check in.

“I’m sorry bro,” his brother at the house tells him almost immediately, “but your cat died.”

“What!? What do you mean my cat died?! How could you tell me like this? What kind of insensitive creep are you!? You need to prepare someone for a shock like that!” exclaims the vacationing brother.

“How was I supposed to prepare you?” asks the man.

350-chart_0“Well,” says the brother, “first you should have told me, the cat is on the roof. Then you should have said, but don’t worry, we’re calling the fire department. Then the next time I called in to check you should have said, the fire department was doing everything it could and not to worry.

Then the next time I called you could tell me that the cat had fallen, but not to worry — the vet was doing everything she could to resuscitate him. Then, finally, after all that, you could have told me, my cat had died. That’s how you break news like that.”

“You’re right, bro, I’m sorry. I should have been more sensitive first,” said the housesitting brother, who really did feel bad about it at this point.

His vacationing brother on the phone was quickly forgiving, “That’s okay. I understand. So anyway, how’s everything else? How’s mom doing?”

“Mom?” says the man, “Mom is on the roof….”

Guess what? Right now, here in 2008 the cat is on the roof for global warming.

Greenius Salutes Greenpeace for Pittsburgh Climate Action – Demand Dramatic Action NOW

It’s time – right now – to take dramatic action on climate change if you care about preserving a livable civilization for your children and their children. At this moment we are right on track for “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” as Dr. James Hansen warmed us 15 months ago.  At that time he said we had 12 months in which to start acting.

While the paid-off ballwashers and sycophants of the fossil fuel industry sellout their country, our citizens and their own families’ future – for reasons only the people on their Bizzaro World home planet, can comprehend – the activists of Greenpeace are telling the truth and telling it in ways impossible to ignore.

They deserve your praise, your thanks and your admiration.  They are this era’s Paul Revere and they warn of the real calamity to come.  The true patriots of our country will heed that call and are already prepared to fight for a better climate.                        

The REAL Climate Change Debate: Are All Deniers Evil or Are Some Merely Ignorant?

Either Way They Are More Dangerous To Your Future Than Any Terrorist


You wouldn’t know it from the mainstream media, your elected representatives or the folks at the US Chamber of Commerce, but we’re currently in the most threatening crisis our civilization has ever faced.  Sure, if you’re a regular Creative Greenius reader you’re already hip to the news, but that only puts you in very enlightened and highly entertained minority.

If you weren’t a fellow traveler along the path of discovery with me, you might believe there is still a debate about the major issues of climate change.  But you would be wrong.  There is no debate.  There is only a powerful propaganda campaign run by the corporate carbon collaborators and those who either embraced it with poisonous profit-driven passion or those who are the defiantly ignorant.

Just yesterday one of the worldwide leaders of the Deniers cult, a man whose blog has millions of readers, was exposed as the Crock of the Week – and the howling from Crazytown can be heard across the nation.  Join us after the jump for the video that deniers and obstructionists tried to keep you from watching:

Exxon/Mobil To Fund Solar Financing Bond For Torrance Homeowners

img_1046In a deal brokered by the city’s newly commissioned Citizens Environmental Task Force, Exxon/Mobil, owners of the Exxon/Mobil Refinery in the City of Torrance agreed today to fund a bond that will make low cost financing of solar energy systems for home and apartment owners.  The loans for solar power, authorized under California’s AB 811, are added as assessments to a homeowner’s property tax bills and are passed on to the new owner if a home is sold.

Without Exxon Mobil’s funding of the financing bonds the program would not have had the money to offer loans in Torrance.  The city had no money in the budget to make the program possible and no plans to find any in the midst of the on-going economic crisis.  But Exxon/Mobil had no such money problems.  “We’ve had one record profit quarter after another,” said a spokesperson for the oil company.

We are so cash rich at the moment that we’re spending money all over the place while everyone else is forced to cut back.  We know carbon taxes are coming and we won’t always be floating in a sea of profits we made at your expense.  So it seemed only logical that we give a little back to a community we’ve released an awful lot of carbon in.  Hell, that entire property our refinery’s on will probably be a superfund site after they force us to stop producing our fossil fuels.

Dr. James Hansen Has Something To Tell You

This just in from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, via her blog (thanks to Joe Romm of Climate Progress)


Today, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent the following letter to the Acting Architect of the Capitol, Stephen T. Ayers, asking that the Capitol Power Plant (CPP) use 100 percent natural gas for its operations. They write, “the switch to natural gas will allow the CPP to dramatically reduce carbon and criteria pollutant emissions, eliminating more than 95 percent of sulfur oxides and at least 50 percent of carbon monoxide…We strongly encourage you to move forward aggressively with us on a comprehensive set of policies for the entire Capitol complex and the entire Legislative Branch to quickly reduce emissions and petroleum consumption through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean alternative fuels.”

Your Greenius says, the threat of Monday’s civil disobedience got this letter written and I hope the action itself moves us from letters to legislation.  I strongly encourage Speaker Pelosi to join the Capitol Climate Action civil disobedience protest and get arrested on March the 2nd to show where she stands.  She’s already in DC, it’s only a few blocks away, Speaker.  Go ahead and march on over, even if it’s cold.


Angry McCain Wants To Kill You – If That’s What It Takes To Make America Great Again

A furiously venom-filled John McCain angrily admitted to this blogger in a just-finished phone interview that he has been in a state of unstoppable rage that has kept him terminally pissed off at the United States of America ever since we chose to end the Vietnam war.  “You’re damn right I am, you little jerk,” he said.

Before I could even respond he exploded again like Yosemite Sam.  “You’re ALL a bunch of little jerks!” he screeched out to me on my VOIP line,” all you word happy blah-blah-bloogers – especially you environmentalists.” He spat out the word as if talking about a pedophile, but I could sense he was using air quotes at the other end.