The Big Green Bus is Coming to Manhattan Beach!

The sensationally sustainable Sona Kalapura is bringing the Big Green Bus to Manhattan Beach on August 2 and August 3.

The Greenius will be there both days to help support Manhattan Beach’s efforts and get to hang with some of the greenest, smartest and most environmentally hip people I know anywhere.

Greenpeace Shutting Down BP Stations in the UK

Bravo to Greenpeace for once again cutting to the heart of the matter and showing us the right way to deal with the oil industry today.

I admire and respect Greenpeace for actions like these which show more smarts and more courage than anyone in our government does.

While our national elected leaders fiddle, delay and obstruct as the planet heads for hell and high water, environmental activists like these Creative Greenius types who belong to Greenpeace are our last best hope for doing the right thing.

Greenius on Dear AES: Here’s A Better Idea for Your Next 100 Years in Redondo Beach

The 1940s era prison-like exterior of this part of the AES power plant would be transformed into a innovative model for clean, renewable energy production in the South Bay if Patch columnist Joe Galliani's vision is realized

Last week the Redondo Beach City Council missed a chance to show some creativity or courage when they decided to punt on engaging with AES Southland over the company’s future plans for the big, gray, hulking concrete monolith looming over Harbor Drive and the 52 acres of prime coastal real estate the power plant takes up.

Councilman Bill Brand was unsuccessful in requesting that the City investigate a rezoning of the land to phase out its industrial use, with no other member of the Council being willing to even second a motion to vote on it.

Councilman Pat Aust reflected the fear factor filling the hearts of his fellow motionless colleagues when he was quoted warning, “It’s not the time to be picking a fight with the bigger bully on the block.”

Read the rest of the story on Redondo Beach

Greenius on Finding Free Green to Fund the Green Idea City

Illustration of air leaking into and out of your home (Courtesty of the Los Angeles County Energy Program)

I don’t need to tell you how tight money is today. The economy may technically be “in recovery,” but everyone I know has been spending less, cancelling services, delaying big purchases and taking another staycation. Even the banks are playing it frugal, extending little credit and approving few loans.

So the new and innovative AB 811 — property assessed clean energy bond program — scheduled to roll out this month, looked like a godsend with its easy-to-get loans for property owners to fund energy improvements, including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to generate renewable green power, for example.

I’ve been writing about this program since 2008, just a few months after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the bill. I’ve attended conferences across the state, learning the details, and writing about the progress of the first cities and counties to make loans to their citizens, and giving presentations locally to update the South Bay.

Read the rest of the story on Hermosa Beach

Greetings from ToxicTown Torrance! Breathe Deep… That’s the Smell of Dirty Money

My pals at Greenpeace, spearheaded by my sister from another mother, Jenny Binstock, produced the video above to warn folks like me, who live in ToxicTown Torrance, that we’re not really safe from the danger that surrounds us all over the South Bay and throughout all of Los Angeles.  Luckily we have Greenpeace on the case to do the job that our own Mayor and City Council just aren’t courageous or visionary enough to do.

Mayor Frank Scotto and my friend, Councilman Cliff Numark, should be the ones informing us of this danger and they should be the ones inviting Retired LA fire captain Ed Shlegel to talk to our citizens about the importance of chemical security legislation and the ways we could all be made safer in our homes, in our schools and in our businesses.  They should be the ones urging you to contact US Senator Boxer to tell her to schedule a vote on the Secure Water Facilities Act before the August Recess.

But they’re not and they’re unlikely to ever show that kind of leadership.  They’ve never shown the willingness or the balls to take on for profit businesses who foul our skies, pollute our air and poison our lands.  They seem to think that short term financial gain and tax dollars are worth the long-term health and safety risks that come with these dirty businesses.  I’m afraid to report that their idea of sustainability applies only to their own terms in office.

So it’s up to Jenny Binstock and Greenpeace – and me and you to show the courage, the vision and the balls.  Click here to find out everything you need to know to take action

Here’s Boxer’s phone number:  202-224-3553.  Tell her you won’t vote for her in a few months unless she does the right thing right now.

Tell her that after her failure to get us a climate bill that you’ve lost faith in her ability to deliver on ANY of her promises and that you don’t care if she loses her job or not.  That’s what I told the staffer who answered her phone.

Greenius on Environmental Champions Growing in Our Backyard

This weeks fruit and vegetables in the large size CSA box

After listening to politicians and want-to-be politicians toot their own horns about how they are Redondo Beach environmental champions, I went out into the field to track down the truth. It wasn’t hard to find.

All I had to do was drive to Neighborhood Grinds on Artesia Boulevard on Thursday afternoon.

I went there to check out the real “green” in the form of locally grown organic produce from Tanaka Farms in Irvine and to find out what boxes of fruits and vegetables were doing inside a hip coffeehouse in North Redondo.

Read the rest of the story on Redondo Beach

Greenius on Redondo Beach Smart Meter is One in a Million

Mainstream media turned out to cover the event.

Neighbors on the 500 block of Avenue D were surprised Monday morning to see TV news vans lining their street and a full contingent of reporters, politicians, corporate CEOs and Southern California Edison officials gathering in the driveway of homeowners Scott and Liz Keran.

Thanks to an invitation from Diane Moss, Congresswoman Jane Harman’s Environmental Deputy, I was there too, to witness something that’s already happened at my house and 999,999 others in Southern California. We were all there to see the Edison service representative remove the old, analog electric meter with its mechanical dial that spins and replace it with a brand new digital smart meter with its electronic readout.

Read the rest of the story on Redondo Beach

Greenius on Environmentalist? Yes. Environmental Champion? Not So Much

Redondo Harbor area desperate for green development.

First off, a big heartfelt “Thanks!” to City Councilman, Bill Brand, for helping to make my column of last Tuesday #1 in the popularity rankings.

I mentioned Brand in one of my column’s 13 paragraphs and it prompted him to do something he’s never done before – actually respond to my environmental concerns, with a column of his own.

Full disclosure – I’ve met Bill in person at least half a dozen times at different events in the South Bay over the past few years and each and every time I’ve spoken with him he’s introduced himself to me and tells me, “Nice to meet you.” Clearly my shy and retiring personality makes me quickly forgettable.

Read the rest of the story at Redondo beach

Greenius on It’s Not Easy Being Green, But it’s Fun in Hermosa

Along with being called the "Eco Police," columnist Joe Galliani says he's happy to be called an "Eco Ranger," too.

My column last week on Fourth of July fireworks and their environmental impact had an explosive impact of its own, as my back-and-forth with a right wing blogger in the comments section helped make it the most popular article on Hermosa Beach | Patch for five straight days.

The truth is, the one-day-a-year environmental problems caused by Independence Day fireworks is a miniscule issue compared to the damage we cause every day using fossil fuels to power our transportation, as well as electricity and heat.

But a larger issue emerged from the reaction to my fireworks article, and my tough stance on those who practice a deadly business-as-usual approach to climate change at the expense of our younger generations and the future.

Read the rest of the story on Hermosa Beach

Greenius on Time for Redondo Beach to Step It Up Environmentally

To view this video, you may need to install Flash player version 8 or greater. Also, please make sure Javascript is enabled in your browser's preferences. Joe Galliani, Patch environmental columnist, looks for green leadership at Redondo Beach City Hall.

The address on my California drivers license has said Redondo Beach since 1993 and when I travel anywhere in the world it’s the city of Redondo Beach they see listed as my hometown on my passport. I’ve been proud to be identified as a Redondo resident for over 17 years now and I readily sing the praises of Redondo Beach and the people who live and work here.

But one thing I never talk or write about is how sustainable a city Redondo Beach is, or how much the city and its citizens care about the environment. I haven’t written about those things because they’re simply not part of Redondo’s consciousness.

My column last week on the environmental shortcomings of the Riviera Village Summer Festival garnered zero comments online and no feedback to me personally. I wasn’t surprised, since green issues seem to be on the back burner in Redondo Beach, allowed to simmer and heat while we ignore them and pay attention elsewhere.

Read the rest of the story on Redondo Beach