Greetings from ToxicTown Torrance! Breathe Deep… That’s the Smell of Dirty Money

My pals at Greenpeace, spearheaded by my sister from another mother, Jenny Binstock, produced the video above to warn folks like me, who live in ToxicTown Torrance, that we’re not really safe from the danger that surrounds us all over the South Bay and throughout all of Los Angeles.  Luckily we have Greenpeace on the case to do the job that our own Mayor and City Council just aren’t courageous or visionary enough to do.

Mayor Frank Scotto and my friend, Councilman Cliff Numark, should be the ones informing us of this danger and they should be the ones inviting Retired LA fire captain Ed Shlegel to talk to our citizens about the importance of chemical security legislation and the ways we could all be made safer in our homes, in our schools and in our businesses.  They should be the ones urging you to contact US Senator Boxer to tell her to schedule a vote on the Secure Water Facilities Act before the August Recess.

But they’re not and they’re unlikely to ever show that kind of leadership.  They’ve never shown the willingness or the balls to take on for profit businesses who foul our skies, pollute our air and poison our lands.  They seem to think that short term financial gain and tax dollars are worth the long-term health and safety risks that come with these dirty businesses.  I’m afraid to report that their idea of sustainability applies only to their own terms in office.

So it’s up to Jenny Binstock and Greenpeace – and me and you to show the courage, the vision and the balls.  Click here to find out everything you need to know to take action

Here’s Boxer’s phone number:  202-224-3553.  Tell her you won’t vote for her in a few months unless she does the right thing right now.

Tell her that after her failure to get us a climate bill that you’ve lost faith in her ability to deliver on ANY of her promises and that you don’t care if she loses her job or not.  That’s what I told the staffer who answered her phone.

Hey, Torrance City Council! Was That $80,000 Check You Took From Exxon A Bribe? Hush Money? Or Did You Just Sell Your Soul?


Click on the breaking news above and you’ll finally get to see the greenhouse gas numbers on our two local climate changing refineries that I’ve been demanding for a year now.  The CARB released them about an hour ago, too early for the morning papers, but not to early for your Creative Greenius.

I’ve been a little busy the past few months and I’ve fallen behind in covering some of the bigger environmental news stories locally here in my own backyard, but today we’re going to play catchup, big time –   

Torrance Goes All 350 for October 24, Ready to do The Amazing Waving Human Tide Line

It was a historic night in Torrance, California this evening as long-held differences were put aside and the City and your Creative Greenius came together to join forces on behalf of Saturday’s International Day of Climate Action.  That’s me with my new favorite Councilman Cliff Numark just before the Council session started.  Doesn’t he look relieved and happy?  Don’t I look friendly and reasonable?  It’s a new day in Torrance my friends.
Torrance Oct 201
Torrance City Councilman Cliff Numark & Joe Galliani at Torrance City Hall (c) Debra Bushweit Galliani

It gets even better for those of us working to bring CO2 levels back down to 350 parts per million as you’ll see after the jump with exclusive video you’ll only see here first on Creative Greenius