Greenius Weekend Update

weekend greenius updateHoliday greetings from teetering on the precipice of bankruptcy California, where we’ve had a couple of unnerving earthquakes, a historic election and a disappointing Lakers’ home loss in the NBA Western Conference Finals since last I posted.

slideshowImageClearly it’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine – because the s-bomb hasn’t quite hit the fan yet, the sun is shining at 10am here at the beach and it’s Fiesta Hermosa Weekend! And for the first time ever it’s an all green Fiesta Weekend in Hermosa!

And not just from the look of those tourists who force feed themselves too much kettle korn. No!  It’s because all the buses and generators involved in the Fiesta will be fueled with clean-burning biodiesel, made from used vegetable oil donated by local restaurants Patrick Molloy’s, Sangria, and Café Boogaloo. Glass and plastic containers will be recycled by Consolidated Disposal, and the food court vendors will be using compostible plates and cutlery.

Sure, we’re as doomed as doomed can be, but why worry when there’s still time to pour a big tall one and party the weekend away?  And to help kick it all off for you, after the jump I’ll offer up the first ever Greenius Weekend Update: