Why NPR Hates Electric Cars – A Greenius Expose

0623-npr-cvrAfter hearing Frank Langfitt’s report on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition yesterday morning I quickly realized two things.

1. Frank doesn’t know too much about electric cars and didn’t do much research before recording his segment.


2. Frank doesn’t like electric cars very much and doesn’t want you to either.

I immediately began to wonder why.  Why was Frank hating on EVs?  What’s behind Frank’s bete noir car thing with EV’s?  Why did he call his report, “Electric Cars Still Years Away?”  Does he really believe that fairy tale?

This was a mystery that only the Greenius could solve.

Creative Greenius is EV Driven

I am very excited to announce my participation in the launch of

badge-evd1We are an on-line community of people who are passionate about Electric Vehicles and we’re not shy about it. We have come together to find and organize the best content from blogs and other web sites. The goal is to create a place where it’s easy to find current and highly relevant content.

And we intend to stimulate and grow new connections – a whole lot of them. Starting right now.