CicLaVia is Back This Sunday & We’ll Be Rolling Against Coal!

How’d you like to enjoy 7-and-a-half miles of L.A. streets free of motorized vehicles and open only to bicyclists and pedestrians? Stroll, play, talk, celebrate -do whatever you want on the public street without sucking up gas fumes or fearing for your life from drunk drivers, texting drivers, drivers eating or putting on makeup or just plain dangerous behind the wheel lunatics.

That’s exactly the scene you’re going to get this Sunday, April 10 from 10am to 3pm at the second ever L.A. CicLaVia where public streets from Boyle Heights to Downtown, MacArthur Park to East Hollywood will be shut down to traffic and open to you and me emission free.

My favorite part of this next CicLaVia is the Bike Parade coming from my friends at Greenpeace and Sierra Club which they’re calling ROLL AGAINST COAL.  In case you didn’t know, the City of Los Angeles still gets 40% of its electricity from coal-fired power plants, the dirtiest polluters and greenhouse gassers on the planet. It’s long been time to kick coal out of L.A.’s power supply and that’s exactly what Greenpeace and Sierra Club have in mind with their BEYOND COAL CAMPAIGN.

Sunday’s bike parade is part of that campaign and designed to call more attention to it. Not only will those Rolling AGainst Coal have a traveling good time together as we bike parade throughout the event, but we’ll be busting out the Creative Greenius with the decoration of our bicycles and the visual aides and props we also sport to raise awareness about the city’s addiction to coal and the life-saving difference Los Angeles could make if it fully commits to the green vision for a clean energy future!  Get all the details you need after the jump.

Greenpeace Los Angeles Kicking Ass on Chemical Risks

While every elected official I know in the Los Angeles area has been silent and invisible on the issue of chemical plant security over the past year, our true heroes at Greenpeace Los Angeles have been kicking ass and taking names when it comes to keeping this issue on the front burner, informing the public and calling for the necessary action.  Chemical plants using poison gases and other lethal toxic compounds surround our highest population areas here in So. Cal and put us all at risk.  They could easily switch to safer alternatives but won’t do so unless they are forced by law.

My pal, Jenny Binstock, one of L.A.’s tireless environmental champions has been relentlessly pursuing this issue and was featured in a Greenpeace video from just two weeks ago talking to regular folks at the farmers market.  All she’s trying to do is prevent a toxic nightmare right here in our own backyard… Check it out:

If that doesn’t move you to take some action of your own, listen to what this nursing student has to say about how the local medical community would be able to handle a medical emergency in the L.A. area if we had a chemical disaster:

If you’re ready to take some action – and nothing will happen unless you do – we need you to tell your Senators to prevent a toxic nightmare in your community by co-sponsoring and voting for the the Secure Water Facilities Act (S. 3598) and the Secure Chemical Facilities Act (S. 3599).

It wouldn’t hurt if our local council members and mayors in the South Bay spoke out about this issue too, but don’t hold your breath… Or maybe you better.

Greenpeace Shutting Down BP Stations in the UK

Bravo to Greenpeace for once again cutting to the heart of the matter and showing us the right way to deal with the oil industry today.

I admire and respect Greenpeace for actions like these which show more smarts and more courage than anyone in our government does.

While our national elected leaders fiddle, delay and obstruct as the planet heads for hell and high water, environmental activists like these Creative Greenius types who belong to Greenpeace are our last best hope for doing the right thing.

Greetings from ToxicTown Torrance! Breathe Deep… That’s the Smell of Dirty Money

My pals at Greenpeace, spearheaded by my sister from another mother, Jenny Binstock, produced the video above to warn folks like me, who live in ToxicTown Torrance, that we’re not really safe from the danger that surrounds us all over the South Bay and throughout all of Los Angeles.  Luckily we have Greenpeace on the case to do the job that our own Mayor and City Council just aren’t courageous or visionary enough to do.

Mayor Frank Scotto and my friend, Councilman Cliff Numark, should be the ones informing us of this danger and they should be the ones inviting Retired LA fire captain Ed Shlegel to talk to our citizens about the importance of chemical security legislation and the ways we could all be made safer in our homes, in our schools and in our businesses.  They should be the ones urging you to contact US Senator Boxer to tell her to schedule a vote on the Secure Water Facilities Act before the August Recess.

But they’re not and they’re unlikely to ever show that kind of leadership.  They’ve never shown the willingness or the balls to take on for profit businesses who foul our skies, pollute our air and poison our lands.  They seem to think that short term financial gain and tax dollars are worth the long-term health and safety risks that come with these dirty businesses.  I’m afraid to report that their idea of sustainability applies only to their own terms in office.

So it’s up to Jenny Binstock and Greenpeace – and me and you to show the courage, the vision and the balls.  Click here to find out everything you need to know to take action

Here’s Boxer’s phone number:  202-224-3553.  Tell her you won’t vote for her in a few months unless she does the right thing right now.

Tell her that after her failure to get us a climate bill that you’ve lost faith in her ability to deliver on ANY of her promises and that you don’t care if she loses her job or not.  That’s what I told the staffer who answered her phone.

Miss Misinformation Pageant – Who Is The Biggest Liar About Climate?

Kudos for the brilliant work on this new Greenpeace production to my good friend, Jenny Binstock, and the great cast and crew of volunteers from Greenpeace Southern California.

This would be even funnier if it weren’t so truly sad and sadly true.  Too bad Meg Whitman wasn’t available because she would have been a contender!

ToxicTown Torrance to Hold Public Forum on Chemical Threat

Your friendly neighborhood Greenius wrote seven months ago about the chemical problems in the City of Torrance, known throughout the South Bay as ToxicTown (when it isn’t going under its new official designation as a Blighted Community), but not a single person on the City Council, in City Government or connected with the city in any way cares enough about this issue to address it.  They have been silent and impotent regarding the over 157 schools and hospitals located within a five mile radius of the JCI Jones “high risk” chemical plant here in Torrance.

That’s why my friends at Greenpeace are doing the civic work for them and offering this terrific Public Forum next Sunday, March 21, at the George Nakano Theatre right across the parking lot from City Hall.  Maybe Mayor TowTruck will amble on over and learn something.  After all,  Frank Scotto is running unopposed in the next election so it’s not as if he’s busy campaigning and doesn’t have the free time.

Fortunately, my pal, Jenny Binstock, from Greenpeace has put together a terrific program including Diane Moss from Congresswoman Harman’s office, who will be there to introduce the subject and some great panelists.  I’ll be in the audience and I hope you’ll join me to learn what no one connected to the City of ToxicTown has the guts to tell its citizens – including self-appointed “Environmental Champion” Councilman, Cliff Numark.

Check out the flier with all the details after the jump

It’s Time To Hold Polluters-For-Profit Accountable For Their Greenhouse Gasbags

Exxon keeps on funding groups that keep us from cracking down on the greenhouse gases and CO2 Exxon pumps into the atmosphere every day.  Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson may not care about the future of his own children or any of the children of Exxon employees, but is it okay with you if he sells your kids out for more money too?  Just wondering, parents…

The clock is ticking and the earth is warming.  I want Exxon and their huge carbon footprint out of Torrance, the town I live in, because I don’t want their climate crimes to continue overheating our planet, changing our climate and ruining the future of our children and their children after them.  I salute and support Greenpeace for caring about the generations that Exxon has written off as collateral damage.

Of course, Tillerson of Exxon isn’t alone in his climate crimes…

Greenpeace CSI – On the Scene of a Climate Crime Spree!

I’m very proud to be a Greenpeace volunteer and supporter and I had a blast last night at the Greenpeace holiday party in Silver Lake with Southern California Field Organizer for Greenpeace, the amazing Jenny Binstock.  I’ve met and worked with some terrific people through Greenpeace Los Angeles and most of them were there last night.  I’m very excited about our plans for the year ahead.

This morning I woke up to the latest sheer creative greenius on the part of the masters at Greenpeace who staged an action in our nation’s capitol that is absolutely brilliant!  Their Climate Emergency Response Team went into action at the scene of the crime – The US Chamber of Horrors – I mean Commerce  – HQ in DC.  I sure wish I could have been there!

View the climate crime scene photos after the jump

Greenius Sez, “We Have The People, We Have the Power and There is Nothing That Can Stop Us.”

From our friends at who out hustled and outproduced every TV news station in the L.A. market.