Greenius Says, Time’s Up Folks. Your Global Warming Goose Has Now Been Cooked…

The smartest scientists on the face of the planet, the ones studying climate change and global warming, are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it any more. They’re really pissed because some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth have been successfully keeping us from taking the steps we needed to take if we were going to save our children from a future existence we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemies.

But the scientists now know that we’re NOT going to save our children from that hell and high water that’s coming their way. We’re going to be doomed by our lizard brains and by the people who made sure that we didn’t see what’s happening as any kind of a crisis or anything we needed to have a sense of urgency about.  The people who made sure that we were forced to argue with idiots while the heat just kept getting higher and higher…

This chart and the data behind it make people who argue against taking immediate action to cut GHG emissions sound like dangerous fools.