Greenius Says No to Offshore Drilling. Mr. President, You Are Following A Failed Strategy & Wasting Time

It’s perfectly obvious that President Obama is attempting to reach out to the right and members of Congress who are owned by the oil industry with his move this week to make offshore drilling part of his energy mix.  The Greenius understands full well this “Let’s Keep Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman Aboard the Climate Bill Bandwagon” approach, just as I can grok how ineffective and nonproductive that approach is.  It’s not the first time the President has followed the same failed path of imaginary bipartisanship with people who only seek a return to the disastrous Katrina-style polices  of the past – and it no doubt won’t be the last.

What did we expect?  The dude is a politician, not problem solver. That’s MY job.  I’m not running for nothing.  I’m already the Greenius and there’s no term limits that come with this territory.

My pals at Surfrider Foundation aren’t running for anything either and they’re not about kissing ass to politicians who are nothing more than paid shills for big oil.  That’s why they’re among the environmental organizations offering the public the truth and reality on the issue this week.  With all due respect to the White House, all they offered was bullshit and spin this week.  To see the difference for yourself, join us after the jump to read the four biggest Offshore Drilling Myths and Legends straight from the folks at Surfrider: