Electric Company Too Scared To Tell Truth About Climate Change

If SCE Won’t Tell The Truth About Climate Change Why Should We Trust Them About Anything?

SCE solar workshopI attended the Southern California Edison’s free Solar session for homeowners last night.  I was there as a volunteer for the South Bay Environmental Services Center.  After my volunteer stint was over I stayed for the presentation and workshop.

P1040773Overall it was a good workshop with lots of solid basic information for people who don’t know much about solar but are considering a solar electric system.  Javier Burgos, a Project Manager with the SCE’s California Solar Initiative program gave a nice, if overlong and overwordy PowerPoint presentation.

The workshop was very well attended with over 130 local people showing up.  Their interest level was very high and they were a very attentive audience.

But it’s too bad Javier was too afraid to tell the truth about climate change to the people who came to his presentation hoping to get the facts and the straight story.

Jane Harman Will Vote Yes on Climate Change Bill While Holding Her Nose

jane_harmanI’ve been getting email after email from my friends at RePower America, MoveOn, League of Conservation Voters, the Apollo Alliance, Green Jobs for All and other smart, Green groups urging me to call my Congresswoman, Jane Harman to lobby her to vote for the historic climate change bill today in the House.

RePower America tells me Harman is wavering – but that’s not true.

Jane Harman feels exactly as I do.  This climate bill is an essential first step.  It’s been weakened and dumbed down by carbon-loving Democrats and the entire Republican Party and it’s not the bill it should be.  But it’s far better than no bill or the homage to fossil fuels the GOP has embraced like the sellouts and carbon collaborators they are.

So don’t waste your time calling Jane Harman’s office because she already gets it.  You’d be better off calling any Republican voting against this bill and telling them you will hold them personally responsible for the damage climate change does to your children and your grandchildren.  Tell them you know that they’re in the pocket of big oil and coal and that no amount of money and power they’ve gotten for their vote is worth the shameless pro carbon response they’ve clung to.

Big Greenius Thanks to Diane Moss, Jane Harman’s Environmental Deputy, for setting the record straight on this.  I met with Diane in her office last week and she’s been incredibly responsive and on top of the issues.  Looking forward to writing more about her but meanwhile –

Here’s the press release from Harman’s office: