Greenpeace CSI – On the Scene of a Climate Crime Spree!

I’m very proud to be a Greenpeace volunteer and supporter and I had a blast last night at the Greenpeace holiday party in Silver Lake with Southern California Field Organizer for Greenpeace, the amazing Jenny Binstock.  I’ve met and worked with some terrific people through Greenpeace Los Angeles and most of them were there last night.  I’m very excited about our plans for the year ahead.

This morning I woke up to the latest sheer creative greenius on the part of the masters at Greenpeace who staged an action in our nation’s capitol that is absolutely brilliant!  Their Climate Emergency Response Team went into action at the scene of the crime – The US Chamber of Horrors – I mean Commerce  – HQ in DC.  I sure wish I could have been there!

View the climate crime scene photos after the jump