It’s 2010 – Are YOU Ready for The Greenius Decade?

I sure hope you’re strapped and ready to roll for the Greenius Decade because ready or not, it’s already begun and I guarantee you it will not be like any other decade you’ve ever experienced or even previsualized.  The Greenius Decade will be all now and totally happening.  The Greenius Decade is ready to discover the limits of the possible by venturing a little way past them into the impossible.

Why NPR Hates Electric Cars – A Greenius Expose

0623-npr-cvrAfter hearing Frank Langfitt’s report on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition yesterday morning I quickly realized two things.

1. Frank doesn’t know too much about electric cars and didn’t do much research before recording his segment.


2. Frank doesn’t like electric cars very much and doesn’t want you to either.

I immediately began to wonder why.  Why was Frank hating on EVs?  What’s behind Frank’s bete noir car thing with EV’s?  Why did he call his report, “Electric Cars Still Years Away?”  Does he really believe that fairy tale?

This was a mystery that only the Greenius could solve.

Greenius Is Fired Up Over Obama’s Green Economic Recovery Bill!

environmental-progress-399-x-695President Obama Steps Up To Save The Economy & The Climate While Republicans No Longer Relevant

I wholeheartedly applaud, support and endorse President Barack Obama’s signing of the $787 billion economic recovery bill just moments ago.  I cheer his rapid action less than a month after taking office to start getting us out of the Bush Depression – both literally and figuratively.

This bill is not only the most sweeping economic recovery package in our nation’s history, it’s also the greenest.

Fortunately for all of us, climate change guru, Joe Romm of Climate Progress, has already done the heavy lifting and outlined just how green and positive this new bill is.  Read:

Here’s What’s Green In It

Ten Things President Obama Needs You To Know Right Now

chicagoskylineWhile the rest of America has been transfixed by the spiraling, ever-worsening economic crisis, the auto industry bailout and the Obama transition team leaks about Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s new roles in the Administration, I’ve been in Chicago engrossed in meetings with people I promised I’d never admit having met with.  So lets just say I went for the blues and the BBQ.

music_bluesAlong with the pulled pork I enjoyed finding out that these Chicago guys are smart enough to know what’s really going on out there and sharp enough to know they’ve got to get the rest of the country up to speed before January 20th rolls around.

It’s not like they gave me any secret briefing information or anything.  And it’s not like they told me what to write – not in so many words anyway.  But if you’d like to help the President hit the ground running – and be able to keep up with him along the way – here’s what you need to know.