Wakeup! The Sea Level is Rising & Another Island Nation’s People Are About To Become Climate Change Refugees

Here is why I spend all of my time working on climate change issues and why we are gathering on the beach here in Southern California on October 24 in Manhattan Beach for 350.org International Day of Climate Action to demonstrate what sea level rise will do to us here on the West Coast:

Please watch this BBC video and learn what’s going on right now in your own world.  You will be amazed and you will wonder why you never saw anything about this in the mainstream media.

Ten Things President Obama Needs You To Know Right Now

chicagoskylineWhile the rest of America has been transfixed by the spiraling, ever-worsening economic crisis, the auto industry bailout and the Obama transition team leaks about Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s new roles in the Administration, I’ve been in Chicago engrossed in meetings with people I promised I’d never admit having met with.  So lets just say I went for the blues and the BBQ.

music_bluesAlong with the pulled pork I enjoyed finding out that these Chicago guys are smart enough to know what’s really going on out there and sharp enough to know they’ve got to get the rest of the country up to speed before January 20th rolls around.

It’s not like they gave me any secret briefing information or anything.  And it’s not like they told me what to write – not in so many words anyway.  But if you’d like to help the President hit the ground running – and be able to keep up with him along the way – here’s what you need to know.