It’s Time To Hold Polluters-For-Profit Accountable For Their Greenhouse Gasbags

Exxon keeps on funding groups that keep us from cracking down on the greenhouse gases and CO2 Exxon pumps into the atmosphere every day.  Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson may not care about the future of his own children or any of the children of Exxon employees, but is it okay with you if he sells your kids out for more money too?  Just wondering, parents…

The clock is ticking and the earth is warming.  I want Exxon and their huge carbon footprint out of Torrance, the town I live in, because I don’t want their climate crimes to continue overheating our planet, changing our climate and ruining the future of our children and their children after them.  I salute and support Greenpeace for caring about the generations that Exxon has written off as collateral damage.

Of course, Tillerson of Exxon isn’t alone in his climate crimes…