Greenius Says, Time’s Up Folks. Your Global Warming Goose Has Now Been Cooked…

The smartest scientists on the face of the planet, the ones studying climate change and global warming, are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it any more. They’re really pissed because some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth have been successfully keeping us from taking the steps we needed to take if we were going to save our children from a future existence we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemies.

But the scientists now know that we’re NOT going to save our children from that hell and high water that’s coming their way. We’re going to be doomed by our lizard brains and by the people who made sure that we didn’t see what’s happening as any kind of a crisis or anything we needed to have a sense of urgency about.  The people who made sure that we were forced to argue with idiots while the heat just kept getting higher and higher…

This chart and the data behind it make people who argue against taking immediate action to cut GHG emissions sound like dangerous fools.

Inside The Green Task Force

main_imageFor more than a year now in this blog I’ve been researching and reporting on climate change, energy and transportation issues and related environmental stories covering them on both a personal and a global perspective.  I haven’t been breaking any hard news, I’ve just been spreading the news that doesn’t get enough attention and adding my take on top of it for the majority of my readers who don’t have the time to dig as deep as I do.

hh125I have to admit I’ve shared a pretty dire world view when it comes to the current and coming impacts of climate change.

That’s what happens when you start each morning reading blog’s like Joseph Romm’s Climate Progress and following the work of Dr. James Hansen and the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change.

But during this same past year, I’ve also been attending the meetings of the South Bay Cities Green Task Force.

I’m there as one of the only independent citizens – and of course as the Creative Greenius, but I’m mostly there because I’m an aspiring policy wonk and I eat the content of these meetings up.   The truth is, I’m unabashedly fascinated by and truly interested in the work they’re doing.  And the work they’re doing brings California’s leading edge fight against global warming right into my neighborhood and into my home.  It is, as the cliche puts it, where the rubber meets the road, and the road is the street I live on.

Ten Things President Obama Needs You To Know Right Now

chicagoskylineWhile the rest of America has been transfixed by the spiraling, ever-worsening economic crisis, the auto industry bailout and the Obama transition team leaks about Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s new roles in the Administration, I’ve been in Chicago engrossed in meetings with people I promised I’d never admit having met with.  So lets just say I went for the blues and the BBQ.

music_bluesAlong with the pulled pork I enjoyed finding out that these Chicago guys are smart enough to know what’s really going on out there and sharp enough to know they’ve got to get the rest of the country up to speed before January 20th rolls around.

It’s not like they gave me any secret briefing information or anything.  And it’s not like they told me what to write – not in so many words anyway.  But if you’d like to help the President hit the ground running – and be able to keep up with him along the way – here’s what you need to know.