Does the US Senate Have The Balls To Stand Up For Your Children? Not Without YOU Forcing Them To

Here on my local scene in the South Bay of Los Angeles our local elected officials are doing their homework, understand the tipping point we now stand upon and are acting to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by completing their carbon inventories and creating Climate Action Plans to get us to the safe zone of 350 ppm of CO2.  Here in California we know that we have t0 end business as usual and burning of fossil fuels if anyone 35 or younger is going to have a viable future with anywhere near the good life the baby boomers have enjoyed.

But if you care about our children and our childrens’ children, then do not count on the members of today’s United States Senate to do the ethical, moral or honest thing when it comes to global warming because they will not. They’ve proven it time and time again by continually folding like a cheap umbrella whenever the time came for them to lead us to a better climate and energy future.    That’s what happens when you’ve been bought out and completely co-opted by business interests who place a higher value on the money they rake in then the lives of the people who pay them.

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It’s 2010 – Are YOU Ready for The Greenius Decade?

I sure hope you’re strapped and ready to roll for the Greenius Decade because ready or not, it’s already begun and I guarantee you it will not be like any other decade you’ve ever experienced or even previsualized.  The Greenius Decade will be all now and totally happening.  The Greenius Decade is ready to discover the limits of the possible by venturing a little way past them into the impossible.

Celebrating Gustavo Rameriz

The South Bay bicycle community lost one of our finest members last week when Gustavo Rameriz was killed in a collision with a big rig while riding home to Belmont Shore in Long Beach from the job he loved at REI in Manhattan Beach.

Gustavo, only 30 years old, was known as “an avid, avid road cycliclist and mountain biker who rode his bike to work at least 50% of the time,” according to Nicholas “Niko” George who worked with Gustavo for the two years he was employed at REI.

Gustavo worked in the Action Sports department at REI, helping customers with skis, snowboards and especially his great love – bikes.  A long term fan of Lance Armstrong’s, he was a big supporter of the Livestrong Foundation and happily completed the Tahoe Century ride in 2009 on their behalf.  Gustavo hoped to ride and contribute to Livestrong for many years to come.