The Greenius Gets His Hands Dirty

The historic and still delicous Fosters Freeze of Old Town Torrance

Lest you think your Creative Greenius spends all his time at the keyboard ruminating about issues national and global, this morning I got up early so I would be awake enough to drive across town to Charles Payne’s house on the other side of Torrance, in Old Town. Charles heads up the Old Torrance Neighborhood Association and yesterday I read in my local paper, an item headlined, “Volunteers needed for clean up day.”otnalogo_vsnocap

The blurb in the Breeze said,

“People who live, work and play in Torrance are invited to volunteer a couple of hours to “Pay it Forward” and make a difference in the community.”

It sounded like the perfect way to spend Saturday morning and another great opportunity to respond to President Obama’s call for service.